Sunday, 12 August 2012

So ... Where Have I Been?

I guess when I decide to start on being committed to this blogging or YouTube and all that jazz, I do the complete opposite. So basically, I have been working to try save money, shopping for a new wardrobe and home bits and hopefully upgrading my photography stuff so when I get back to Oxford I can start freelancing. Also, family have been round for the past 6 ish weeks and to be honest when that happens, you have no time for anything else.

But they've left today!!!

Therefore I have time to myself again and so you will be seeing more of me. It sounds rather ridiculous how I only just blogged a post of my re-introduction but seriously this time it hasn't been my fault.

What to look forward to?

Well well well, do I have some exciting stuff ahead. As I said before, I have revamped my wardrobe into a more sophisticated, more monochromatic, classic theme with pieces from very affordable shops and key items which I think everyone should have in their wardrobe. So there will be an update on that.

I have finished my Clarins sample course and there is actually a new video up on that.. I will put a blog post for those who'd rather read instead of watch. I just explain which items worked and which didn't.

My style 360 hair has all been used and trashed and there will be a video posted once edited. I'm all natural/texlaxed and in all fairness I'm loving it. I find it much easier to handle now I texlaxed it so maybe weaves won't be showing for a while. I may do a video talking about my hair but to be honest, my hair is a whole experiment really so I don't really have anything worthwhile to say plus it is in such a bad condition so.... =/

I'm also planning on doing far more make up tutorials as I can see my makeup corner is collecting dust and I'm losing the will to try stuff as I'm either at work or home and I do the same old ish every day -.-

As well as beauty and fashion, I'm moving to a house this year!!! So more vlogging and tagging along with me in my second year of Uni, seeing what I get up to. Plus doing some more University Jibber Jabber Series.

So... look forward to boring you all with my face and my 'knowledge' and my company and we can start the (academic-y) year together :)

Mwah! xo

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